Category: Main

  • Programming Languages

    It seems like the world is built on C and C#, a foundation for the development of software and operating systems. However, these languages are considered low-level by a lot of people in today’s world. JavaScript. I’ve been programming in javascript for the past two years, it is also the language in which most of…

  • No more bilinguality

    I recieved an email from the Weglot plugin, which translates my site, asking for money and that my free trial has ended. No thanks, deleted that. Maybe I’ll make my own website, but in react? (again?) WordPress is nice since it has a bunch of features (oh and plugins), but my own website, with features…

  • And yet more questions arise

    I’ve sent my website to a friend and noticed his adblock blocked my wordpress social links. I dislike that so I rewrote the footer social links in plain HTML since I don’t think wordpress supports javascript and all that, but I’ve yet to look into it. It would be very nice if I could somehow…

  • Nextcloud big file uploads fixed

    It turns out the weird behavior when I tried uploading multiple files at once (or big ones) was caused by nginx limiting the request body size (default is 1MB) so i set it to be 512MB on my nextcloud reverse proxy, very nice. Symptoms were it would say uploading but nothing happened afterwards, logs didn’t…

  • WordPress is set up…

    So, I’ve finally decided to make a website. I guess making it entirely in react isn’t feasible since it is only for personal use. I have tried in the past but that was more of a learning project than anything. This WordPress instance is running WEGLOT which has an API for translating the page directly…

  • Linux server

    This instance of WordPress is hosted on my Linux VPS.